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Beggining of a friendship ~ CP



Estaba oscuro... Los aterradores gritos de una familia más resonaban por las calles del barrio. Tan solo más víctimas del joven asesino Jeff Woods. El fuego iluminó toda la calle. El psicópata había prendido fuego a la casa. El olor a carne quemada penetraba por las ventadas de las demás casas del barrio, que, lo más rápido posible, alertaban a la policía, aunque nunca consiguieran atraparle.

En el sótano, la mascota de la familia estaba apresada. Un perro de raza husky siberiano, pendido por el fuego, y atrapado por unas leñas. El devastador elemento empezó a quemar y desintegrar su precioso pelaje blanco y negro, convirtiéndolo ahora en un monstruo envuelto en llamas. Lo último que vio fue a ese chico, Jeff huir cubierto de sangre. Los bomberos entraron en la casa, apagando el fuego que consumía la calle. Al llegar al sótano, encontraron al perro, desmayado, lleno de heridas y fuertes quemaduras. Al verle así, le dieron por muerto. Pero no lo estaba.

No solo el fuego había herido su piel, no. El joven Randall, un muchacho rebelde que vivía en la casa, responsable del acidente del caso Jeff Woods, le maltrataba como si fuera un juguete. Pero el perro aguantaba y sufría, debido a su caráctrer leal. Ahora Randall no estaba. Al fin era libre. Abrió los ojos adolorido. Se encontraba rodeado de cenizas y madera quemada. Por algún extraño motivo, una costra se había formado sobre su piel, y no sentía en dolor al moverse.

Dias despues...

Otro grito... Otra familia... Otra víctima... Nada ni nadie podía frenar a aquel asesino. Pero hubo un valiente equipo de policías dispuesto a enfrentarse a él. Se habían estado entrenando para atraparle. Seguían el rastro de sangre que Jeff dejaba muy rápidamente. Casi lo tenían. La luz de sus linternas rastreaba la silueta del joven. Lo vieron. Dispuestos a disparar, sacaron sus armas.

La horrible visión de un perro ensangrentado, quemado y agresivo les despistó. El perro saltó sobre un policía y le mordió la mano hasta arrancársela. Ladraba sin cesar, mientras Jeff Woods escapaba... de nuevo... El chico vio al perro desde la distancia, sintiendo... algo parecido al agradecimiento... la primera vez que lo sentía después del accidente.

Cuando el perro acabó con los policías, olfateó el suelo en busca de Jeff. Le debía algo, de hecho, el chico había matado a sus dueños, los mismos que le hacian la vida imposible. Le fue muy fácil dar con Jeff. Ladró para captar su atención y le miró fijamente. Jeff miró al perro de igual manera, dandose cuenta de que el perro le había salvado la vida.

-¿Sabes? Creo que tú y yo podríamos ser grandes amigos... -le susurró Jeff a su nuevo amigo.

El husky esbozó una terrorífica sonrisa, casi humana, que cautivó a Jeff. En ese momento supo que Smile y él eran iguales...

Jijiji Creepypasta time ^^" Síp, ese perro es, y la historia cuenta cómo conoció a Jeff ;)

Jeff, Randall, (c) Creepypastas
Arte, historia (c) RIOPerla


It was dark... The creepy screaming of a one more family sounded through the neighbourhood streets. Only more victims of the young killer Jeff Woods. The fire lit all the street. The psicopath ignited the house. The burned flesh smell penetrated into the window os the other houses int he neighbourhood, that, as fast as possible, called the police, altought they never could trap him.

In the basement, the family's pet was trapped. A dog of Siberian Husky breed, ignited by fire, and trapped by some wood. The deastating element started burning and desintegrating its beautiful black and white fur, turning it into a monster in fire. The last thing it saw was that boy, Jeff, running away covered of blood. The firemen entered the huouse, extinguing the ire that consumed the street. When they got into the basement, the found the dog, unconscious, full of wounds ans strong burnings. When they saw it that way, they thought it dead. But it wasn't.

Not only the fire wounded its skin, not. The young Randall, a rebel boy who lived in the house, responsible of the accident of the Jeff Woods case, mistreated it like it was a toy. But the dog endured and suffered, for its loyal personality. Now Randall wasn't there. It was free at least. it opened its eyes hurted. It found itself surrounded by cinders and burned wood. For some extrange cause, a rind formed on its skin, and didn't felt pain when it moved.

A few days later...

Another screaming... Another family... Another victim... Nothing and nobody could stop that killer. But there was a brave police team ready to face him. They were training themselves to trap him. They followed the bloody trail Jeff left very fast. They almost had him. Their lantens' light tracked the young one silouette. They saw him. Ready to shot, they took their guns.

The horrible vision of a bloody, bunerd and agressive dog misleaded them. The dog jumped on a policeman, and bite his hand until it ripped it out. It didn't stop barking, while Jeff Woods scaped... again... They boy saw the dog from the distance, feeling... something like gratitude... the first time he felt it since the accident.

When the dog ended with the policemen, it sniffed the floor searching for Jeff. It owed him something, in fact, the boy had killed its owned, the same one that made its life a hell. It was easy for it to find Jeff. It barked to get his attention and stared into his eyes . Jeff stared at the dog in the same way, realising that the dog saved his life.

-Know what? i think you and I could e great friends... -Jeff whispered to his new friend

The husky made a terrifying smile, almost human-like, that cautivated Jeff. in that moment he knew that Smile and him were the same...

Teehee Creepypasta time ^^" Yup, that dog is and the history tells how he met Jeff ;)

Jeff, Randall, (c) Creepypastas
Arte, historia (c) RIOPerla
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EyelessJackie334's avatar
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in you